We Prepare professionals in high-stakes arenas

by confronting a universal primal fear through immersive aquatic training, developing adaptable resilience and stress inoculation to thrive in consequential scenarios with confidence and readiness.

Join US and gain access to Aquatic training that IS UNLIKE ANYTHING else

Executive Protection Agents (EP)

Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)

Fire & Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Special Operation Forces Candidates (SOF)

Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Candidates (AST)

US Secret Service Candidates (USSS)

Maritime / Yacht Crews

Who we prepare

3-pronged approach

Skill Development

Build foundational aquatic, fitness and life-saving rescue skills through structured, progressive training with a focus on real-world applicability in high-pressure environments.

Mental Fortitude

Cultivate unbreakable resilience and adaptability by exposing participants to controlled stressors, enhancing their ability to confront and manage fear, panic, and stress effectively.

Operational Readiness

Validate and refine participants' physical and mental training through scenarios that prepare them for optimal performance in both everyday operations and life-or-death situations.

WSAF SOF Pararescueman jumping out of helicopter to save life in open water

Founded BY

USAF PararescueMan

Matt Schollard

That Others May Live


  • Open Enrollment Certifications

    WCT's Open Enrollment Certifications specialize in training critical operational professionals by safely revealing and developing their panic response when self-preservation is no longer hypothetical.

    Rescue swimmer training during water confidence certification

    WCT's customizable courses enhance aquatic skills and professional resilience through our core training methods with the option to include open water rescue, CPR modules, team specific requests, and more.

    First responders during water confidence certification class training fitness

    Join us for weekly classes in Hood River, Oregon to build functional swim and water confidence skills to increase comfort and capabilities in aquatic and open water settings.

    functional swimming techniques during water confidence training certification


SOF Candidates learn how to prepare for their desired military/coast guard/secret service career path

Providing Special Operations Forces (SOF), US Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer (AST), and US Secret Service Candidates the opportunity to utilize WCT’s Certification Courses to properly prepare before joining the toughest training pipelines on Earth.

Water is the great equalizer.

It doesn’t care who you are.

IT can elicit fears we didn’t know we had.

It can also forge unbreakable resilience.



With programs and certifications developed by WCT Founder and former Special Operations Pararescueman, Matt Schollard draws on the most effective training methods from his military career, empowering individuals to fully commit to realizing their boldest ambitions through immersive, water-based training.

WCT prepares you for high-stake situations, helping you find your inner “calm button” no matter the circumstances.
