Elevate your team’s aquatic skills and professional resilience with WCT’s real-world customized training courses. Excel with confidence and readiness in any high-pressure situation.

  • Is your team collectively responsible for making critical, split-second, life-or-death decisions?

  • Do you need a private, customized course with team-specific training and flexible scheduling, rather than joining a standard open enrollment program?

  • Do you require specialized training focuses such as open water operations or other mission-specific skills?

ELigible Participants

If YES, this custom course option is for you.

Custom Course Training

Course Overview

WCT will tailor a course specifically for your team, focusing on the skills and expertise necessary for success in high-stakes environments, aquatic or otherwise. The custom course will be designed based on your team’s needs utilizing our Core Training Methods (see below), the WCT Initial Assessment, and the WCT Final Certification Assessment.

Areas of Expertise

  • Open Water Swimming and Rescue

    • Develop essential skills for navigating and responding to emergencies in open water.

  • Open Water Personal Water Craft (PWC) Operations and Rescue

    • Master the techniques for jet-ski operation and rescue maneuvers in challenging conditions.

  • Water Sport-Specific Training

    • Specialized training for activities like kiteboarding, surfing, wingfoiling, e-foiling, SUP/SUP foiling, tubing, skiing, bodysurfing, and more.


1 - 5 day course // 8 hour days // dependent on custom requests

Custom COurses InCLUDE

  • Preparatory course materials & syllabus

  • WCT swim cap & water bottle

  • Initial and Final Assessments

CUSTOM Certification Qualifications

All skills will be taught and developed throughout the CUSTOM program

Drownproofing sequence:

  • 5 minutes bobbing, 2 minutes floating, 100m travel, 5 front flips, 5 backflips 

Rescue sequence: (Must be completed in under 10 minutes)

  • 25m underwater, 100m freestyle swim, 2:30 minute hands-up tread, 100m freestyle swim, deep end subsurface recovery of unconscious victim - 25m contact tow with victim

Final FTX

  • Classified

WCT ensures that every course is customized to enhance your team’s readiness, confidence, and expertise in aquatic environments.


Functional Swimming

Teaching effective swimming methods, including freestyle, combat side stroke, fin swimming, and lifesaving skills. Training also covers giant stride entry, spotting, rescue swimming, and open water techniques. This core training method supports participants understanding of recreational activities like triathlons, wind & water sports, and boating safety.

Functional swimming techniques for first responders during water confidence training

Unconventional Fitness

Enhancing longevity with low-impact, high-return exercises and alternative tactical training. It identifies stress responses in real, water-based challenges, building confidence and resilience. The program fosters team building through joint pool drills, sustainable home-based fitness, and equipment recommendations.

Participants engaging in unconventional fitness training with sandbags and weighted carries.

Water Confidence

Offering real-world applications for stress management with scalable intensity, developing up-regulating methods and teaching down-regulating practices like breathwork and visualization for calm amidst chaos. Drills support confidence and stress inoculation, ensuring 100% application to real-world performance.

Participants practicing underwater rescue techniques during water confidence training.

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly. WCT looks forward to preparing you and your team for the consequential.